Dear Friend,
Faith guides liberty toward justice, just as light guides us through darkness.
This is a core theme and idea that visitors will encounter at the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center, one of the most interactive and immersive experiences in the nation coming to Independence Mall, Philadelphia, in late 2020.
As part of onboarding, each guest will receive a personal “lamp” that they will take with them as they explore each of the 6 galleries, in this 75 – 90 minute experience. The “lamp” will allow guests to digitally collect images, content, and videos that most resonate with them, creating a personalized web site where their unique collection will be stored for them to engage with and share post-visit.
The “lamp” will also allow each guest to respond, collect, activate and interact in other fun, inspiring and surprising ways throughout the Center, including the hybrid gift store, which will allow guests to create one-off, personalized products from content they collected, as yet one more way to carry the “ideas” they uniquely connected back home with them.
The Faith and Liberty Discovery Center will help to trailblaze the modern museum for future generations, combining history and modern technology in a next-generation experience for visitors to Independence Mall.
Thank you for joining us in this groundbreaking effort!
Construction Update
After three and a half years of planning, designing and resource mobilization, the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center has started construction!
Locke, Liberty, and the Bible: An Interview with Dr. Joseph Loconte
Who was John Locke and why is he important to the American founding and Americans today?
Scholar Profile: Dr. Nancy Koester
“Too many think the Bible has been a book of oppression,” Koester says. “While many in history certainly have used the Bible to oppress peoples like African-Americans, Native- Americans, and women, the Bible has largely been a cultural force for social reform and progress in the American liberty narrative.”